Heart Touching Love Breakup Story of Roja

Heart Touching Love Breakup Story

Roja and Sanjay had been dating for two years, and things seemed perfect. They shared common interests, humour, and a deep love for each other. However, things started to take a turn when Sanjay began working longer hours and cancelling plans with Roja. Roja tried to understand but couldn't help feeling neglected and unimportant to Sanjay. She tried talking to him about it, but he always brushed it off and said he was busy. One day, Roja decided she couldn't take it anymore and confronted Sanjay. They had a heated argument that ended with Sanjay storming out of Roja's apartment.

Days turned into weeks, and Roja heard nothing from Sanjay. She missed him dearly but she couldn't bring herself to reach out. Eventually, Sanjay called her, and they decided to meet up. As soon as Roja saw Sanjay, she knew it was over. His eyes were cold and distant, and he seemed like a stranger to her. “Sanjay, what's going on? Why are you acting like this?" Roja asked. Sanjay sighed and took a deep breath. " "It seems that our paths must diverge at this point, Roja.". I've been feeling like this for a while now, and I can't pretend anymore "Sorry for my actions," Roja said as her heart shattered into a million pieces. "What do you mean, Sanjay? Why are you doing this to me?" "It's not you, Roja. It's me. I am not in a situation to be in a relationship right now. I need to focus on myself and my career," Sanjay explained.

"You can't just throw away everything we had for some job," Roja cried. "What about our future together?" "I don't know what the future holds, Roja. All I know is that I can't be with you right now," Sanjay said. Roja blinked back her tears and fixed her gaze on Sanjay. If that's what you want, then go. But don't expect me to be waiting for you when you decide to come back."

"I'm really sorry, Roja, “Sanjay said as he went away. Roja watched him leave, feeling like a part of her had died. She knew deep down that she deserved someone who would be there for her no matter what. But for now, all she had was a broken heart and memories of a love that was never meant to last. Months passed by, but Roja still couldn't shake off the feeling of loss and betrayal. She had tried to move on, but every time she thought about starting a new relationship, the memories of her time with Sanjay came flooding back. One day, Roja received an invitation to attend a friend's wedding. She hesitated at first but then decided to go, hoping it would be a chance to forget her troubles and have some fun.

At the wedding, Roja bumped into Sanjay, and for a moment, she froze. She had prepared herself to face him, but seeing him in person after all that time brought back all the emotions she had been trying to suppress. "Hi, Roja," Sanjay said with a smile. After a prolonged absence, Roja composed herself and greeted the person with a friendly smile. They made small talk for a few minutes, but it was clear that there was a lot of tension between them. "I know things didn't end well between us, but I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for how I treated you," Sanjay said, breaking the silence. I regret prioritizing my job over you and realize now that it was a mistake for which I take full responsibility."

Roja looked at him, her heart beating fast. She had waited for so long to hear those words, but now that she was hearing them, she wasn't sure if she could trust him again.

"It's regrettable that your realization of the mistakes, Sanjay, came too late, despite my appreciation for it," Roja said. I've moved on, and I don't want to reopen old wounds," Roja said, trying to sound firm. "I understand, Roja. But just once listen to me," Sanjay pleaded.  "Although I made mistakes that affected our relationship, my feelings for you have not wavered, and I still love you," the speaker confessed. And I want to rectify my mistakes. With a pleading gaze, she asked for one final opportunity, carefully studying his expression for any hint of dishonesty. She wanted to believe him, but she couldn't ignore the pain he had caused her in the past.

 "I don't know, Sanjay. I want to trust you, but I'm scared of getting hurt again," Roja said, her voice trembling. "I promise you, Roja. I won't repeat my mistakes again," Sanjay said, looking into her eyes. Roja looked at him one last time and then made her decision. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and said, "I'm sorry, Sanjay, I can’t do this now." Sanjay looked ashamed but knew he had to accept Roja's decision. He nodded, and then walked away, leaving Roja standing there, alone. As she watched Sanjay disappear into the crowd, Roja knew she had made the right choice. She had finally found the strength to move on from her past, and she was ready to start a new chapter in her life, one that didn't involve Sanjay. Give me Your Feedback in the Comments thank you for reading.  

The End.

Have A Wonderfull Day!!

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  1. Never take your loved ones as granted, will regret it for sure. Partners are not toys to play around. I like the ending of the story. 😁
